We have delivered pumping stations, rising mains, strategic and local foul and storm drainage systems
Our site at Battle has been rated as ‘excellent’ by Considerate Constructors Scheme scoring 42 out of 45 marks. Exceptional site safety, care of the environment and staff wellbeing were highlighted by the Considerate Constructors Monitor. Congratulations to the site team especially Site Agent Harayshan Pirabaharan and General Foreman Gareth Williams
We took the drone up to get an overview of the site progress achieved to date.
We recently saw the official opening of the Eastern Green site in Coventry.
The project was delivered for Coventry City Council and Hallam Land, the project involved the construction of infrastructure for over 3000 homes and 15 hectares of commercial development land.
A new grade separated junction was built to provide access to and from the A45.
Staff from Hallam Land, Coventry City Council and Breheny Civil Engineering attended the opening with elected members from Coventry City Council.
Our client, Persimmon Homes will be opening the final section of our Phase 5 project at Hampton Park in Littlehampton West Sussex on Saturday 20th July.
The Bebo Arch Bridge structure in the wetlands area of the site has a span of approximately 14m from foundation to foundation, these being CFA piles with reinforced concrete pile caps. The structure is approximately 35m wide perpendicular to the span of the arch to accommodate the carriageway, shared cycleway / footway and associated verges and embankments.
Works are now complete for a new S278 junction at the Great Haddon development in Yaxley/Norman Cross for 1499 new homes. Works started last Summer and included initial vegetation clearance, earthworks fill operation, foul and storm drainage installation, installation of new utilities to feed the development, new traffic signals and street lighting, diversions of existing services (including a 12” Asbestos Water Main), carriageway construction works and surfacing.