Bullockstone Road Opening

Following the recent completion of the Herne Relief Road Project, we attended the opening ceremony of the upgraded Bullockstone Road last week. Sir Roger Gale, MP for North Thanet, cut the ceremonial ribbon along with key members of Kent County Council including Lee Burchill, Ben Cuddihee & Kevin Dean. We have been busy over the last twelve months in Herne Bay reconstructing and widening 1.3km of Bullockstone Road to a width of 7.0m, also adding two new roundabout junctions to the A291 & Bullockstone Road. A new 2.0m wide shared footpath and cycleway has also been added to provide safe access on the route. The project team contributed to the local community during construction. They repaired a private access road to Ross Wood Scouts Campsite, donated children’s books for the Parish Council Christmas party, gave a careers talk to students at Canterbury College and employed local workers.