Mote Park, Maidstone – Reservoir Works

Client – Maidstone Borough Council

Duration – June 2020 to December 2020

The project is located in Mote Park in Maidstone, Kent and involved the construction of a new 58m wide auxiliary spillway, the upgrading of existing culvert sluice gates, earthworks, utility diversions and environmental mitigation. The spillway works formed the largest element of the project.

A sandbag cofferdam was built to decrease the flow from the reservoir during rain events with pumps to over pump water past the spillway works as the reservoir was in operation throughout the duration of the project.

The work was located in a busy public space which required careful signing and guarding of the site perimeter to ensure that no third-party access could be gained.

We encountered ecological challenges including finding common toads in one of the excavated trenches, an earth toad ramp with hessian sheets was created to enable the toads to move from the trench.