Dunchurch Junction Improvements
Client: Warwickshire County Council
Project Duration: September 2021 to January 2022
We delivered this project at the busy crossroads of the A426 and A4429 at the centre of Duncurch near Rugby in Warwickshire. We replaced and upgraded the traffic signals which had reached the end of their design life. At the crossroads and on all four approaches we reconstructed 1000 metres squared of footway and 1900 metres squared carriageway. On Rugby Road we installed a new left turn lane to improve traffic flows in the eastbound direction.
As part of the traffic signals upgrade, we installed new ducting across the carriageway, new street lighting and slot cut the carriageway for the traffic signal detection system.
Due to the historic nature of the adjoining properties, we undertook a condition survey prior to and after the project to ensure that no damage had been caused. The fact that the project spanned a busy crossroads traffic management had to be carefully planned to ensure that traffic flows were maintained.